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RBS Credit Cards

The Royal Bank of Scotland was originally founded in 1727. It is important to note that the Royal Bank of Scotland plc is completely different to the Bank of Scotland. Most of the Royal Bank of Scotland's branches are in Scotland, although it acquired Natwest Bank which operates mainly in England and Wales, and also acquired the Ulster Bank, which operates in Northern Ireland. All of the aforementioned banks fall under the Royal Bank of Scotland Group financial services company. Between all three of the banks owned by the group, the Bank of Scotland has a significant presence in the United Kingdom. RBS's headquarters are currently in Edinburgh, Scotland.

RBS offer a number of services in the United Kingdom. These include personal banking, private banking, business banking and corporate banking. In terms of personal banking, RBS offers: current accounts, savings, investments, loans, mortgages, insurance and financial planning, digital banking and credit cards as well as other services.

The Royal Bank of Scotland have a number of different cards available online to match different requirements. They have good overall cards that have a good balance transfer deals. Many of the cards also have 0% on purchase deals and an average interest rate. To obtain an RBS credit card you will generally have to have an average to good credit score, but this will depend on the card you're applying for. Certain cards require quite specific criteria from applicants. Some of the credit card deals are only available online, and some deals are exclusively available to people that already have an RBS current account.

RBS also have a card that is designed specifically for students. This card entitles the user to discounts at selected retailers. There is also a service which sends emails and/or text messages to notify the card holder when payments are due. This is one of the best credit cards for students. Some of their cards offer access to RBS Travel Service. The RBS Travel Service takes care of booking holidays or work trips for you, and offers discounts on flights and accommodation. You can get access to RBS Wine Club for discounts on wines, and get the occasional free gift.

Some of the RBS credit cards that are available have annual fees. They also runs a number of introductory offers when you get one of their cards, and you can apply online for all of their cards. Some of the cards have good reward schemes for regular purchasers and others have low balance transfer fees, a bit of credit card comparison will help you pick out the best for you. You can manage your card and your account online through RBS's Digital Banking service. There are a number of features and benefits with each card, but many of them are specific to the type of card you choose.

The Royal Bank of Scotland prides itself on operating in a sustainable manner. It finances many different types of renewable energy projects and is eager to minimise its own impact on the environment. RBS also works to help start-ups and established businesses, as well as helping in various communities both across the UK and further afield.